Everyone’s talking about green HVAC these days. Not only can you protect the environment, but you can also save big on bills over time. ICE Heating Cooling and Plumbing is one of the leading provider of green HVAC services in the country and we’d like to share our knowledge with you so you can make a confident, informed investment in your home and future.
HVAC And Sustainability
Back in the day, running the A/C meant harming the planet. Thankfully, these days we don’t run A/C on toxic Freon any more and you can cool your home without heating the planet.
Green air conditioning technology has come a long way across the board. In this post, we’ll look at the two main contenders if you’d like to do your bit for the environment.
Looking At Energy Efficient HVAC System Cost
As they tend to be the newest on the market, your typical green air conditioner cost is higher than less efficient, old A/C models. However, you should factor in the significant long term savings on bills you can get with green HVAC.
Types Of HVAC Systems In The Market Nowadays
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems have become an essential part of our daily lives, especially in buildings and homes. In recent years, several types of Green HVAC systems have emerged in the market. Here are some of the most popular types:
Geothermal HVAC Systems
It’s true that the best type of energy efficient HVAC for the planet is also the most expensive as an upfront investment. Because geothermal HVAC runs underground, it’s more time consuming to install.
However, the savings on bills are extraordinary. Some homeowners make their money back in as little as two years.
Hybrid HVAC
Hybrid is another green HVAC option worth knowing about. It works by drawing air inside your home naturally whenever it can. Then, when it can’t do that, it switches between gas and electric according to what’s more efficient at the time.
It’s somewhat cheaper to install than geothermal HVAC systems and some users make that investment back in three years.
The bill savings are also impressive. You may even be able to halve the cost of your existing bills depending on how much you use your system.
Central Air Conditioning And Heating
There’s still plenty of Green HVAC systems to choose from apart from geothermal and hybrid. The traditional central HVAC systems are the cheaper option of the three.
Keep an eye out for two things.
An Energy Star Rating For Green HVAC
If the system you’re considering has an Energy Star, it means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy rated it among the best products in terms of energy efficiency.
Only the most energy efficient HVAC systems get a coveted Energy Star. That applies for both heating and cooling.
A High SEER Rating For Air Conditioning Systems
This stands for seasonal energy efficiency rating, and it’s just for A/C. However, when you buy an integrated heating and cooling system, the A/C component will have a SEER rating.
Most air conditioning systems typically have a SEER rating of about 12. However, more efficient models actually go all the way up to 21. Choose a high rating and you’ll be doing the planet a favor while saving on bills.
Energy Efficient HVAC Tax Credits
Green HVAC comes with serious financial incentives. In fact, you can get a substantial tax credit for ENERGY STAR geothermal heat pumps, depending on when you had or plan to have yours installed.
Call ICE Heating Cooling and Plumbing If You Are Looking For Green HVAC Installation
Green HVAC cost depends on what you choose and your requirements for your home. Get in touch and we’ll be right over to your property to give you a quote for an energy-efficient HVAC system installation that suits your needs and budget. Also we will be there if you will need high quality HVAC maintenance in any part of the day.
Call us today at (702) 820-2184 or message us.